Our Work
We've been involved with a range of community projects. Some are finished, some are ongoing, and some are upcoming. We'd love your input, so feel free to contact us with community project ideas.

Wharf Project
This project, led by Larry Mitchell, used the Forum's charity status to channel funds required for building. The wharfs have provided better access to the river and connected with the historic character of the village which once enjoyed regular river traffic.
River Walkway
Nine years ago the Forum applied for and received funding to fence off the river bank in the farm reserve of our community park. Volunteers put in the fence poles, ran wires and battened the fence. The Forum funded subsequent annual stages of riparian planting along the Puhoi River for four years and the Council funded the final five. The project won the 2019 Riparian Restoration section of the annual Mayoral environmental awards, receiving a grant of $2000. Despite being hit hard by recent flooding, planting and maintenance of this project continues, in the hopes of enticing back indigenous aquatic birds, inanga and eels to the river. A two kilometre walkway along the planting is enjoyed by visitors and locals, with the Forum installing picnic tables at various sites. Those lost to flooding will be replaced with firmer footings.

Community Orchard
An initiative led by Philippa Beagley, the Community Orchard was designed by a local landscape architect and the first trees were planted out three years ago. Since then, regular working bees have seen further planting of a guava and feijoa hedge and more trees to extend the orchard. Historic trees from the Puhoi Church site have found a new home here, with other heritage trees being sourced for further planting. If you know of any heritage trees locally, contact us as we are seeking to preserve as many as possible in this community project.
ANZAC memorial
The gates on the Puhoi Memorial Park Bridge serve as a memorial for volunteers from the village who served in WWI. They were suffering damage and no longer used to close off the bridge, so the Forum moved to use them to create an ANZAC memorial in the reserve. The gates were removed and mounted next to the bridge, with a flagpole in the centre and have since served as a focal point for ANZAC Day celebrations in the village.

Road Safety

After years of lobbying Auckland Transport by the Forum we finally have traffic calming measures in place. Two red carpet zones at the village entrances have helped slow traffic through the village centre and the final one nearer the Krippner Road intersection is a further reminder to visitors and locals alike to slow down.
Walking tracks

The Puhoi Lookout Loop Track was opened in 2008 as the first step in connecting the village with the Remiger's Road route of Te Araroa. Planting was undertaken in this area prior by the then Landcare group. The track had fresh gravel (donated by Keir Dady) added before Covid by community volunteers and will continue to be upgraded by the Forum. Clearing of several slips after the 2023 summer floods will be starting soon as the ground dries, enabling Council to restart their mowing maintenance. There are ongoing talks with Council regarding upgrading the track to make it more accessible during winter.
The River Walkway was opened in 2014 after the Forum was granted funding for fencing. Forum volunteers erected the fencing and began the long process of restoring the southern riverbank. The riparian planting has continued on an annual basis every year since , initially funded by the Forum, and managed by both Forum and Council contractors. Flood clean up and restoration is underway with plans to replace picnic tables and carry out extensive flax planting along lower reaches. Bookmark this site for updates on planting dates.
Further walkways are planned in the park, creating more recreational opportunities for walkers, bikers, locals and visitors.
Puhoi Pioneers Memorial Park
The 342 hectare park is managed by the Forum, who lease it from Auckland Council. It is a huge community asset currently used by the Village Market, the produce swap group, local walkers and their dogs, and the Community Orchard and Garden.
How would you like to see the park developed, managed or used? We'd love suggestions from you, so do email us at puhoicommunityforum@gmail.com with your ideas.

Future projects

Carpark for cyclists riding new trail routes north
Trail extensions from end of River Walkway
Orchard pergola and seating
Park planting and trail creation
Music in the park events
Your input, enthusiasm & ideas will help make these projects a reality. Get involved!